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Welcome to The Bar

by Natasha Haubrich

Welcome to The Bar

At Neutrogena, there is a lot that goes into developing our skincare products, all specially made with your needs in mind! You may find us in the beauty aisle, but as part of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., our research, testing, and quality standards are held to a very high bar. Every time we evaluate whether or not to use a new ingredient, or run studies to test the effectiveness of our products, we leave rigorous science and study in our wake. And recently we’ve been thinking, why aren’t we sharing this?

Well…here we are. Welcome to ‘The Bar’.


We named this space The Bar for three reasons:

  1. It’s a throwback to our original and most iconic product, The Transparent Facial Bar, which to this day symbolizes our focus on skin health (the original claim is that it brought skin back to its natural pH!), commitment to transparency, and elevation of the basics.

  2. It’s a nod to both our past and our future of constantly challenging the status quo, to truly raise the bar on skin health by taking on even the toughest skin issues with dermatologist-inspired, ingenious, and often unexpected solves. From creating the first sunscreen designed to be applied to wet skin, to bringing new and innovative skin technology with Neutrogena Skin360®, we're constantly raising the bar.

  3. It’s a wink to the many bars in our lives (the nail bar, the blowout bar, the juice bar, the bar bar…) where we meet up, socialize, and share and learn what’s going on in our world.

Our goal is to make skin science less rocket science

By giving you access to as much straight-forward information, innovation and expertise as we can get our hands on. Bookmark us or sign up for our email newsletter. We’ll be updating The Bar frequently throughout each month. We hope you love being a part of this community as much as we do. Feel free to send questions or topic suggestions our way on social @neutrogena.

 Natasha Haubrich

Natasha Haubrich

Guest Beauty Blogger

Natasha is the Head of Global Neutrogena currently residing in Los Angeles. She has been a part of the Neutrogena family since 2006.


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